Sunday, March 27, 2011

First Post:D

Well Hello There! lol. This is my first ever anime and manga blog! Comment on this and tell me what exactly you'd like me to be doing on here! I can review certain anime or give my own top ten lists! The first thing I'm about to do though is put up a list of anime I've already finished through! here's a little bit about me... I LOVE  any and all anime! I don't dis any types! I love 'em all except porn lol. I'm fourteen years old and my names Jordan. just putting it out there that yes I'm a girl just in case you couldn't figure that put from my blog title! Well this was meant for a quick post just to get something up soooo yeaaaa :) Give me your ideas on what anime I should review or a top ten list I should make! Or even an anime I should and then review or whatever well... bye now;)